Breathe my Love

I search for you night and day...
I look for you everywhere,
but still I can't find you...
Sometimes this heart be filled with love and made me can't breathe,
Just thinking about you and wondering what you do made me felt helpless,
Are you wondering where am I?
Are you staring at the same blue sky as me?
I saw your shadows, but when I ran to catch them, they are gone...
Sometimes the wind brings me your smell
And how I miss it
Like I miss dews that covered my feet on a cool morning
Time goes so slow,
And sometimes I think it cost forever for me to find you
Am I the only one that feels like this?
Or do you also feel the same?
I breathe the air and hoping that I breathe the same air that flows through your nose once,
I pray in my heart and whisper your name,
Wind, please bring my feelings to him.
Though we're thousands miles away from each other,
I believe that love overcomes everything
Somehow, someday, we'll meet each other...
April, 16, on a hot bright day and the clear blue sky outside...