Let Things Go...

This is the lesson that I learnt these few months.
And u know, it is right. When I let go my dreams to travel to far away land and become a missionary, GOD gave me the way to be one. Though not exactly like the way I want it to be.
I went to far away land and become a sort of missionary that help people with their health.
But maybe, I haven't put this lesson into practise when it comes to love matters.
I still longing for someone that always be with me and love me perfectly. I know GOD loves me, but what I still longing so much is the presence of him beside me. A man that understand me and loves me the way I am.
I have let things over some men. And yes it's true that they not the one and they never come back to me. But currently I'm still wondering if this man is the one that GOD will put beside me?
I always think positively in many ways, and I hope deep in my heart that this is the time when we meet. And too many times, I felt confused about my own feelings and cry silently in my sleep.
Is the way between us are so hard to walk through? Why we haven't meet yet? Or if we have meet yet, then why do our hearts haven't join each other?
I only can stare a clear blue sky that can tell me no answer....
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