I don't know why today seems so hectic. But an impression got into my mind about someone. Maybe it because my students keep asking me if I had a boyfriend or not. But maybe it because something else...
I'm thinking about this person that without realizing it all these times, I had known for quite sometime and found that he always say words that I felt so deep in meaning. Sometimes, things that he said were simple and plain things, but it seems that those words get into my heart so deeply. And my heart jumps when I heard those words (though nobody sees that). And from the first time I knew him, I felt like I had known this guy for long. We get along easily, from telling jokes to discuss about serious theology matters, I felt like that I knew him a lot.
But I don't....
It seems like everytime I try to know him more, he always dissapear slowly and drag himself away. Not wanting me to know him. But everytime I drag myself away from him and pretending that I don't care about him at all. He always come to me and talk to me, then said those deep words that touched my heart in certain ways.
I don't know what is the reason why he did that to me. Maybe time can answer it. But I just prayed a simple pray, that, if GOD is willing to meet me and him someday, then it's up to HIM to choose the way. Coz he seems so far away from me and sometimes I felt like it's impossible for me to know him more.
And it's only a week before my departure to Kefa, in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia (phew! I mentioned the exact location huh? ^_^) . It's seems like my chance to meet him become smaller and smaller, the only chance I can meet him is maybe by using Yahoo Messenger, and if I'm lucky I'll meet him online when I'm online at the same time.
And GOD, how I pray those kinds of moments will be available when I arrived there in Kefa.
And now I just wondering if he's the right person and why his words seems so deep for me?
Well, again, I can only leave it to GOD and time to answer it....