"Visions and dreams"
Monday, June 10, 2013
BB Cream Praktis yang Fantastis
A real story by Melissa Augustina
Sebagai seorang yang memiliki kegiatan yang padat menuntut saya memilih
produk yang tepat. Kepraktisan adalah pilihan utama saya, tetapi tentunya saya
tidak ingin hasil yang “praktis” yang mana tidak tahan lama dan tidak
beradaptasi dengan baik ke kulit saya.
Sejak saya kuliah saya penggemar berat produk-produk The Body Shop
terutama rangkaian bodycare yang selalu saya gunakan setiap hari. Ketika saya
lulus kuliah dan berkenalan dengan dunia kerja, saya mulai merambahi rangkaian
skincare yang dimiliki oleh The Body Shop dan tidak pernah merasakan iritasi
maupun ketidakcocokan yang berlebihan kepada produk-produk skincare yang
dimiliki The Body Shop yang saya gunakan.
Jujur dari awal saya tidak menggunakan
rangkaian Moisture White™ Shiso
karena saya memiliki warna kulit yang cenderung gelap dan saya menyukai kulit
saya yang sawo matang ini maka dari itu saya menjatuhkan pilihan skincare saya
ke rangkaian Nutriganics™.
Tetapi karena kejadian yang tidak disengaja ini saya jadi jatuh cinta
kepada Moisture White™ Shiso BB Serum
Inside. Beberapa minggu yang lalu saya datang ke counter The Body Shop
di salah satu mall di Jakarta, hendak membeli beberapa produkThe Body Shop yang
biasa saya pergunakan. Ketika itu di meja display saya melihat Moisture White™ Shiso BB Serum Inside
ini dipajang, Beauty Advisor datang dan menjelaskan dengan seksama tentang
produk terbaru dari The Body Shop ini. Awalnya saya tidak merasa tertarik
karena ini termasuk kategori whitening, tetapi ketika saya mencobanya walau
hanya setetes ditangan saya nekat membelinya dan apabila memang tidak cocok
bisa saya berikan kepada adik saya yang memiliki kulit terang.
Lalu pada pagi hari saya hendak ke kantor, saya menggunakan untuk
pertamakalinya Moisture White™ Shiso
BB Serum Inside ini. Saya hanya mengeluarkan dua tetes saja dan
mem-blend nya dengan satu pump penuh Nutriganics™ Smoothing Day Cream yang
biasa saya gunakan standalone saja. Yang bikin makin hepi bb cream ini juga mengandung SPF25+++ sehingga kulit saya dapat terlindungi dari bahaya sinar matahari. Ketika sudah merasa rata saya pun berangkat
Ketika sampai kantor teman-teman kerja wanita saya berkomentar, “Mel
sepertinya lo beda gimana gitu…”
“Beda gimana?” Ujar saya agak bingung.
Mereka juga agak bingung bilangnya “Muka lo beda deh, flawless dan
radiant gitu deh…”
“Ah masa sih” sambil ambil kaca dari laci meja. “Eh iya ya… hehehehe…”
setelah memperhatikan wajah saya.
“Iya Mel cerah gitu tapi ga kaya pake topeng kok.” Timpal teman saya satu
“Hehehe… baguslah kalau begitu. Terimakasih atas opininya teman-teman.
Berarti gw cocok sama ini produk, ga jadi gue kasi adik gw deh” Saya tertawa
“Mang lu pake apa sih Mel?” Tanya rekan saya yang lain
Sambil mengeluarkan produk-produk The Body Shop yang selalu
ada di tas kerja saya. Dan pas nya saya juga ikut membawa Moisture White™ Shiso BB Serum Inside ini
“Cobain doooonggg…” Jawab mereka semua heboh
Lalu kita semua sepakat mau ke counter The Body Shop terdekat setelah pulang kantor nanti.
Senangnya bisa berbagi rekomendasi dengan teman-teman...
Check that awesome product here:
my flawless skin with Moisture White™ Shiso BB Serum Inside
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Breathe my Love

I search for you night and day...
I look for you everywhere,
but still I can't find you...
Sometimes this heart be filled with love and made me can't breathe,
Just thinking about you and wondering what you do made me felt helpless,
Are you wondering where am I?
Are you staring at the same blue sky as me?
I saw your shadows, but when I ran to catch them, they are gone...
Sometimes the wind brings me your smell
And how I miss it
Like I miss dews that covered my feet on a cool morning
Time goes so slow,
And sometimes I think it cost forever for me to find you
Am I the only one that feels like this?
Or do you also feel the same?
I breathe the air and hoping that I breathe the same air that flows through your nose once,
I pray in my heart and whisper your name,
Wind, please bring my feelings to him.
Though we're thousands miles away from each other,
I believe that love overcomes everything
Somehow, someday, we'll meet each other...
April, 16, on a hot bright day and the clear blue sky outside...
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
The Walk
I was overwhelmed by the sea splendour,
It seems that things going around me fastly
But I felt the time stop
It was a month after I throw everything
And decide to take a way that never been travelled
A way that brought me here
After left everything behind...
The walk seems take forever,
But the sun tells me that soon it will end
I breathe the air and smile towards the sunset
"I will end it well," I said to myself.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Let Things Go...

This is the lesson that I learnt these few months.
And u know, it is right. When I let go my dreams to travel to far away land and become a missionary, GOD gave me the way to be one. Though not exactly like the way I want it to be.
I went to far away land and become a sort of missionary that help people with their health.
But maybe, I haven't put this lesson into practise when it comes to love matters.
I still longing for someone that always be with me and love me perfectly. I know GOD loves me, but what I still longing so much is the presence of him beside me. A man that understand me and loves me the way I am.
I have let things over some men. And yes it's true that they not the one and they never come back to me. But currently I'm still wondering if this man is the one that GOD will put beside me?
I always think positively in many ways, and I hope deep in my heart that this is the time when we meet. And too many times, I felt confused about my own feelings and cry silently in my sleep.
Is the way between us are so hard to walk through? Why we haven't meet yet? Or if we have meet yet, then why do our hearts haven't join each other?
I only can stare a clear blue sky that can tell me no answer....
Monday, October 31, 2005
A Drop of Love

And I wonder,
Will I find my true love here?
Just like many people said to me?
Will someone find me?
And break the covers that shield me?
Coz I'm trapped here
Alone and wondering...
A simple prayer is all that I whisper,
That GOD will protect me
And show HIS will
And maybe, reveal him to me...
Oh, how I wish that thing will happen
As I looked out and see in front of me
A figure, yet so blur
And so confusing, like imagination....
A drop of water,
Fell on a dry land
A glimpse of true love
And joy in the heart!
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Deep Words

I'm thinking about this person that without realizing it all these times, I had known for quite sometime and found that he always say words that I felt so deep in meaning. Sometimes, things that he said were simple and plain things, but it seems that those words get into my heart so deeply. And my heart jumps when I heard those words (though nobody sees that). And from the first time I knew him, I felt like I had known this guy for long. We get along easily, from telling jokes to discuss about serious theology matters, I felt like that I knew him a lot.
But I don't....
It seems like everytime I try to know him more, he always dissapear slowly and drag himself away. Not wanting me to know him. But everytime I drag myself away from him and pretending that I don't care about him at all. He always come to me and talk to me, then said those deep words that touched my heart in certain ways.
I don't know what is the reason why he did that to me. Maybe time can answer it. But I just prayed a simple pray, that, if GOD is willing to meet me and him someday, then it's up to HIM to choose the way. Coz he seems so far away from me and sometimes I felt like it's impossible for me to know him more.
And it's only a week before my departure to Kefa, in Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia (phew! I mentioned the exact location huh? ^_^) . It's seems like my chance to meet him become smaller and smaller, the only chance I can meet him is maybe by using Yahoo Messenger, and if I'm lucky I'll meet him online when I'm online at the same time.
And GOD, how I pray those kinds of moments will be available when I arrived there in Kefa.
And now I just wondering if he's the right person and why his words seems so deep for me?
Well, again, I can only leave it to GOD and time to answer it....
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Clear Blue Sky Connection
This is the pic that I took with my new cellphone two days ago when I went home from the school. I'm kinda surprised to see that black tiny dot in the middle of the sun, seems like there is an object blocking the sun rays. But at that time the sky is so blue and clear, so that I want to try my new cellphone and took that pic.
As I looked to the bright sky, I began wondering about my life. What happened to me few days ago and things that burdened my mind as I haven't find the real fulfillment of my vision.
Will I make it to the end (till I fulfill my vision?) or shall I just keep doing these things that I felt haven't give me real happiness. The thing that everyone is looking for.
Strange that I can think about this while I just look at the clear blue sky. Somewhere in my heart, I wonder who is that one? The one that GOD had pointed for me. The one that so many times I felt that he's missing me too though maybe he hasn't meet me. Will I meet him someday?
I remembered a time when I swam and stared at the clear blue sky just like that day, I began to felt that he's missing me and at that time is looking at the clear blue sky and wondering where I am... just like I'm wondering where he is...
GOD, is he's staring at the same sky and missing me just now?
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Why loving you seems so hard to do?

I knew that I always long for you
Long before I met you...
And the day when we met seems so uncertain
Between fantasy and reality
You are there and suddenly you dissapear
Leaving me alone and wondering
How my life change after you came
And why you leave me in this uncertain feelings?
I look up to the sky above and to the clouds
Where are you, where is my true love?
The blue sky that once we look at together
Seems so solemn and blue
Like the days that never ends...
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Would Our Thread Connect?

I write this to you because I'm confused, I don't know what happens to me, but I want you to understand me. Because I need you to understand me...
Just a sight of wonder that made me think today about what will the future hold for us?
Do you ever think of that?
I mean, well, so many things that make me wondering what will happen next.
And so many obstacles that I face now to make us connect.
And the threads of our relation are so tangled that it made a bundle of threads that confusing.
So, what do you think to solve the tangled threads?
Or maybe I should ask you how can we work on it together?
Please tell me...
Cause I want to know you more...
Monday, August 08, 2005
fly away
When I think happiness had came into my life,
I found that it suddenly fly away like a butterfly...
Leaving me sad and dissapointed
And I wonder, do I made mistakes? Do I said domething wrong?
But I know, I had to survive
I had to go on
I will shed no more tears...
After all things that happen to me,
I knew, I had to losing grip to the things in the past
And stop thinking about the things that made me sad
I will dream another dream
I said to myself,
Though it had flew away
You can always find another happiness
Coz the world is so full of colors...
Friday, July 08, 2005
Mind on Collonialism
I wake up today and thought of this thing :
This thing is so intriguing me for a while when thinking that there are millions, maybe billions of people that have prisoned minds. They think that they are treating everyone the same, but in the end they just can't stop themselves to treat people differently.
In my country Indonesia, many times this happen. People that are considered 'wealthy' and 'nice' are divided into certain class, either foreigners (we called them bule), then followed by Chinese and the most 'unexpected' people are native Indonesian. Even the native people treat their own people the same. They think that people with colored skin and native people appearance aren't as good as the people that have lighter skin. Women are considered beautiful if they have lighter skin. And when a girl that have darker skin marry a foreigner man (bule), she's often considered a prostitute. But if a girl that have lighter skin marry a foreigner man, she's considered lucky.
Gee, this happen in my very own eyes! Can u imagine that? Sad, but it's true. Discrimination is the most popular issue everywhere around the world. Either u live in a modern and free country like America, or u live in a conflicted area like Aceh. Maybe it's quite different from what I always write in my blogs, but the issue of discrimination filled my minds and make me wondering how long till this situation will end?
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Monday, May 09, 2005
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Seiring dengan gugurnya bunga sakura
Harapanku untukmu pun juga hilang...
Aku tahu kau tidak akan pernah bisa ada di sisiku...
Terkadang aku bertanya pada diriku sendiri
Hal apa lagi yang bisa kuharapkan darimu?
Saat ini aku seperti sebuah mercusuar di tepi pantai
Memandang kejauhan, menantimu pulang
Aku terus memancarkan sinar agar kau tahu aku tetap ada di sini
Aku memandangi laut dengan sedih, tetapi seakan kau tidak akan pulang
Namun aku tetap mencintaimu...
(May 19, 2004)
Monday, May 02, 2005
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Sea on May
I'm sitting here in the edge of the sea,
Waiting for you to come back
The sky is blue and the water is raging
The clouds seems mingled with the sea
Waiting for you to come back
The sky is blue and the water is raging
The clouds seems mingled with the sea
The sea on May
Made me think of you...
The sea on May
Bringing back the memories of you...
Made me think of you...
The sea on May
Bringing back the memories of you...
All the precious moments that we spent,
Every laughters and joy we spread
And every tears we shed
Made me remember of a day at the sea on May...
Every laughters and joy we spread
And every tears we shed
Made me remember of a day at the sea on May...
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Things that Make You Feel Good - in case u felt bad
1. Falling in love.
2. Laughing so hard your face hurts.
3. A hot shower.
4. No lines at the supermarket.
5. A special glance.
6. Getting mail from a friend.
7. Taking a drive on a pretty road.
8. Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
9. Lying in bed listening to the rain outside.
10. Hot towels fresh out of the dryer.
11. Chocolate milkshake. (or vanilla or strawberry!)
12. A bubble bath.
13. Giggling.
14. A good conversation.
15. The beach.
16. Finding a 20 dollar bill in your coat from last winter.
17. Laughing at yourself.
18. Midnight phone calls that last for hours.
19. Running through sprinklers.
20. Laughing for absolutely no reason at all.
21. Having someone tell you that you're beautiful.
22. Laughing at an inside joke.
23. Friends.
24. Accidentally overhearing someone say something nice about you.
25. Waking up and realizing you still have a few hours left to sleep before you have to get up.
26. Your first kiss (either the very first or with a new partner).
27. Making new friends or spending time with old ones.
28. Playing with a new puppy.
29. Having someone play with your hair.
30. Sweet dreams.
31. Hot chocolate.
32. Road trips with friends.
33. Swinging on swings.
34. Making eye contact with a cute stranger.
35. Making chocolate chip cookies.
36. Having your friends send you homemade cookies.
37. Holding hands with someone you care about.
38. Running into an old friend and realizing that some things (good or bad) never change.
39. Watching the expression on someone's face as they open a much desired present from you.
40. Watching the sunrise.
41. Getting out of bed every morning and being grateful for another beautiful day.
42. Knowing that somebody misses you.
43. Getting a hug from someone you care about deeply.
44. Knowing you've done the right thing, no matter what other people think.
Friday, April 29, 2005
Choir of Angels
The sound of a trumpet could be heard
As the sky above turned bright
A glow streamed down from the heavens
And it touched the earth with its light
Their wings were white as fresh fallen snow
Their gowns had a satiny sheen
And their voices were heard all over the earth
Long before they were seen
A choir of angels descended
With voices raised in praise
The sound so sweet, it made one weep
Just hearing the sound of His name
Poetry by Sand
Spread The Light
There are two Ways of spreading light:
To be the candle or The mirror that reflects it.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Wednesday, April 27, 2005

The sunshine on my life had been really dim...
Never I see it shine brightly again...
And it seems the only hope it brings
Slowly fade away...
When will the sun shine again?
When will the clouds fade away?
Please time tell me soon...
Coz without in I will end soon
Without the sun, the moon can't exist
Without you, I can't go on
Saturday, April 23, 2005
I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane
Hi All,
Next week I'm leaving Jakarta to Aceh for 6 months
Minggu depan gue ninggalin Jakarta untuk ke Aceh selama 6 bulan.
I'm working there as a translator for INGO (International Non Governmental Organization) Medecins Sans Frontieres
Gue kerja di sana sebagai penerjemah untuk LSM Internasional Medecins Sans Frontieres
Wish me luck there okay? And I need all the supports and prayers to survive there.
Doain gue ye. Gue perlu dukungan en doa-doa lo semua untuk bertahan hidup di sana.
GOD bless u all.
Tuhan berkati ya.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
The Story Begin
Each time we step out from our bed, a story is begin
Because everyday is a story.
Either the story begins happy and ends sad.
Or it begins sad and ends happy.
Or vice versa.
We all have the stories to tell.
And this what this blog made for, to tell a life time stories that won't fade away only in memories.
But to show you that there always a story to tell,
if there are ears that want to listen...
Well, tell me about your story to me : a_melissa@lycos.com